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About Us

Management Services

We offer operational support to organisations and senior executives embarking on a new direction, whether in a new venture or an established organisation, regardless of which sector.

Our extensive leadership experience in the telecoms and technology sector, which underpins so much of our changing world, is highly valued.

Supportive, friendly and knowledgeable, we work in confidence across the world in a location and time that suits you. We work closely together so that you benefit from our collective knowledge and impartial guidance.

Our service


Our Capability

We have successfully launched new project ventures and restructured existing organisations in some of the world’s most beautiful but often unstable and changeable countries.

Our accumulated knowledge is available to senior executives embarking on similar endeavours. Whether you are responsible for your company’s business performance, financial investment, new operations, executive selection or reputation management, Wyze2 supports you in protecting important interests from the impacts of adversity-wherever they are.

New and Improved Processes

Better preparation and communication

Wyze2 can demonstrate how round-the-clock awareness, good risk management and early policy development can aid security, tighten financial control and protect investments, reputation, and operations. We help senior executives identify opportunities and show how effective decision making can ensure objectives are met.

Particular areas of expertise include the navigation of complex regulatory systems, maintaining positive public and stakeholder communications, and preparation and implementation of effective anti-corruption and fraud strategies to maintain control and prevent financial and reputational damage.

Sustainable Results

Engaging people appropriately

Wyze2 creates a trusting atmosphere in which we share know-how in a practical and useful way to realise human potential and build greater long-term business resilience.

Wyze2 has achieved many notable successes through the creation of sustainable business practices; engaging people respectfully, being mindful of cultural values and providing structured development opportunities are just some of the ways we've established continuously viable businesses.

Valuable Advice

Active on-the-ground experience

Wyze2 guides people and operations through planning, decision-making and recovery processes wherever there are real or potential threats to business continuity – including incidents of physical risk, serious impacts to infrastructure and the effects of climatic events.

We all hope never to invoke emergency response plans, but the reality is we have managed many of the real-life consequences of serious disruption and know what a robust and workable emergency recovery plan looks like.

Establishing Businesses

Concept to operation

In challenging environments, senior executives can sometimes lack sufficient i=understanding of the impacts of supply chain disruption, regulatory inconsistencies, political instability and resource depletion – leaving them facing delay or even failure. We help overcome these barriers through highly effective experience-based guidance.

Wyze2 supports executives in the building and establishment of complete programmes from concept development to stable operations. This includes the creation and optimisation of organisations including all disciplines: strategy, technology, operations, product development, sales, distribution, marketing, branding and employee training and development.

Tangible and Intangible Savings

Leading-edge preparedness

Wyze2 wants your business to succeed. We help senior executives avoid and overcome the pitfalls, costs and potential reputation damage that can result from an ill-informed or badly prepared start. Our advice and support is grounded in experience and is always relevant, current, and aware of local pressures - to ensure we impart confidence from day one.

Wyze2 has an extensive global network of valued experts who can, in some circumstances, be deployed to support specific programmes or projects.

Sector Expertise

We offer management services to senior executives embarking on a new venture regardless of which sector they are entering. Wyze2's extensive experience in the telecoms sector is particularly valued as today it underpins all economic activity.

Big Industries with Big Challenges

Learning from the leaders in telecoms

Since 1990, the telecoms industry has been a key contributor to global economic development and it remains one of the largest employment industries in the world. Although mobile and smart tech currently lead the way, revenues from fixed broadband and PC internet continue to grow, reflecting the preference for high speed cable and fibre. Managing the effects of convergence and the rapid rise of data is increasingly important.

Wyze2 partners have successfully managed billions of dollars of revenues for telecoms operations with many successes in countries that lack a structured business environment, banking system, regulation, or technical, operational and marketing capacity.

While communications are essential for economic development, strong demand from emerging markets, rapid roll-out programmes and increasing sector complexity can shorten available development time leaving process gaps.

Despite good intentions, this means that senior management, including the Board of Directors, can find themselves dealing with revenue loss, increased costs and, potentially, cases of corruption, fraud and bribery. Wyze2 makes its experience of managing this type of situation available to help build more robust and responsive operations.

Uniting Fast-Moving Sectors

Helping executives optimise new opportunities

Demand for wireless products is growing and we are increasingly asked to bridge the knowledge gap between wired and wireless communication technology and new product and service offerings in sectors like mobile banking, fintech, e-healthcare and mobile commerce.

We support executives through the planning and implementation complexities of organisations, networks, sales and distribution systems, customer care, billing, and all necessary support functions in order to help achieve strategic goals.

Our knowledge has been acquired in start-ups, consolidations, change management, rebranding, lifestyle product development, and through competition and regulatory changes as they have rapidly emerged and developed around the world.

Regardless of industry sector, we help develop the flexibility and agility you need to be proactive, lead the market, and manage challenges in order to deliver real competitive advantages for your business.

Some examples of our recent assignments:

• EBRD, UK, due diligence of Egyptian IT company

• iSikCure, Kenya, support to m-Health Services company

• Raxio Data Centres, Uganda coaching the GM and NED role

• AIIM, South Africa, Solar Home Systems, East Africa, NED role

• Kamro Capital, Uganda FinTech, coaching and Advisory Board member

• Keller, Australia, Change Management Executive Team training

• Airconmiser, Hong Kong, turnaround of green tech company

• TVBeat, UK, business reporting structure for SAAS company

Who We Are

Bespoke Management Services

No Solution is Not an Option

Meet our world class problem solvers

Ineke Botter

“Our leaders have a combination of extraordinary and highly valuable experience to share with senior executives, helping them to be ‘Wyze’ before rather than after the event.”

Ineke Botter and Gavin Jeffery are sought-after leaders with a common bond: they have both successfully managed businesses in challenging environments and want to share their knowledge and experience to benefit executives.

Supportive, friendly and highly knowledgeable, Ineke and Gavin work in confidence across the world in a location and time that suits you. They work closely together so that you benefit from their collective knowledge and highly valuable and impartial guidance.

“I've learned how vital it is to create a strong company foundation, implement proper processes and concurrently, and respectfully, involve people right from the start – without this, executives and projects are vulnerable.”

A hands-on senior executive, Ineke has over 25 years’ telecoms experience at CXO, CEO and at Board level and has succeeded where many would have thrown in the towel. Physical risk, natural disaster, and malpractice have been regular challenges for Ineke, who has a ‘focus forward’ approach to her work.

Tolerance, determination and tenacity characterise this Dutch national and are traits that have helped her deliver significant revenue successes in some of the world’s most troubled spots.

Ineke transfers knowledge from complex postings in Ukraine, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Kosovo, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Haiti and Western Europe. She has used her business development and management skills to establish and lead a number of telecom operations.

Her expertise and experience of network building, upgrades and optimisation is of significant value to those entering the telecoms and mobile telecoms sectors. Her knowledge of revenue management through effective distribution network optimisation is also in high demand.

Ineke says transparency, diplomacy and cultural sensitivity are indispensable skills that need to complement academic knowledge in order to achieve broad and long-lasting success: “In complex and challenging situations, only well-prepared executives with the right attitude and approach to risk will produce successful and rewarding businesses.”


Business development; Negotiated first mobile license in Ukraine (1991/92). Obtained first GSM license in auction in Hungary (1993). Led 3G auction team in the Netherlands (2000);

Establishing operations; Established GSM operation in Hungary with 25% nationwide network coverage in 3 months (1993/94). Built GSM 1800 operations in Switzerland (1998/99) and 3G operations in Sweden (2001);

Change management; Expanded operations in the Czech Republic (1995/98). Managed take-over and doubled revenues in Lebanon (2004/08). Quadrupled network, reorganised operations and doubled revenues in Azerbaijan (2009/11). Expanded and optimized operations whilst retaining 95% market share in Haiti after earthquake and hurricanes (2013/14);

Management during disaster; Managed operations during serious civil unrest (Kosovo 2004) and Israel - Lebanon war (Lebanon 2006) followed by reconstruction of the damaged network and re-implementation of processes;

Other: Ineke holds two MA degrees in Corporate and International Law. She has recently published ‘Your Phone, My Life’, the first social history of how the world built its mobile networks.

Meet our world class problem solvers

Ineke Botter

“I've learned how vital it is to create a strong company foundation, implement proper processes and respectfully involve people right from the start. Without this, executives and projects are vulnerable.”

A hands-on senior executive, Ineke has over 25 years’ telecoms experience at CXO, CEO and at Board level and has succeeded where many would have thrown in the towel. Physical risk, natural disaster, and malpractice have been regular challenges for Ineke, who has a ‘focus forward’ approach to her work.

Tolerance, determination and tenacity characterise this Dutch national and are traits that have helped her deliver significant revenue successes in some of the world’s most troubled spots.

Ineke transfers knowledge from complex postings in Ukraine, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Kosovo, Lebanon, Azerbaijan, Haiti, Uganda and Western Europe. She has used her business development and management skills to establish and lead a number of telecom operations.

Her expertise and experience of network building, upgrades and optimisation is of significant value to those entering the telecoms and mobile telecoms sectors. Her knowledge of revenue management through effective distribution network optimisation is also in high demand.

Ineke says transparency, diplomacy and cultural sensitivity are indispensable skills that need to complement academic knowledge in order to achieve broad and long-lasting success: “In complex and challenging situations, only well-prepared executives with the right attitude and approach to risk will produce successful and rewarding businesses.”


Business development; Negotiated first mobile license in Ukraine (1991/92). Obtained first GSM license in auction in Hungary (1993). Led 3G auction team in the Netherlands (2000);

Establishing operations; Established GSM operation in Hungary with 25% nationwide network coverage in 3 months (1993/94). Built GSM 1800 operations in Switzerland (1998/99) and 3G operations in Sweden (2001);

Change management; Expanded operations in the Czech Republic (1995/98). Managed take-over and doubled revenues in Lebanon (2004/08). Quadrupled network, reorganised operations and doubled revenues in Azerbaijan (2009/11).  Expanded and optimized operations whilst retaining 95% market share in Haiti after earthquake and hurricanes (2013/14);

Management during disaster; Managed operations during serious civil unrest (Kosovo 2004) and Israel - Lebanon war (Lebanon 2006) followed by reconstruction of the damaged network and re-implementation of processes;

Other: Ineke holds two MA degrees in Corporate and International Law. She has recently published ‘Your Phone, My Life’, the first social history of how the world built its mobile networks.

“Our leaders have a combination of extraordinary and highly valuable experience to share with senior executives, helping them to be ‘Wyze’ before, rather than after the event”

Ineke Botter and Gavin Jeffery are sought-after leaders with a common bond; they both have successfully managed businesses in challenging environments and want to share their knowledge and experience to benefit executives.

Supportive, friendly and highly knowledgeable, Ineke and Gavin work in confidence across the world in a location and time that suits you. They work closely together so that you benefit from their collective knowledge and highly valuable and impartial guidance.

Gavin Jeffery

“Keeping your personal radar on full, all the time, helps managers better understand situations, adapt accordingly and balance business objectives with local sensitivities.”

Gavin has worked in some of the most politically-charged countries in the world including Afghanistan, Kosovo, Pakistan, Latvia, Papua New Guinea, Russia and Malawi - and often at times of conflict or post-conflict recovery.

His 25 year plus exposure as a CEO and CFO in mobile and fixed telecoms has given him a wealth of experience that he shares with clients charged with new challenges such as start-ups and change management projects.

Enabling others to make a lasting difference is where he believes Wyze2 adds real value: “Being faced with the unknown can make for ineffective leadership; we help executives understand how they can thrive in alien environments by listening, analysing the risks carefully, reading situations accurately and understanding what’s important.”

Gavin has first-hand experience of physical, political and corruption challenges where they have the potential to seriously impact or even close down operations. He helps clients make well-informed pre-entry risk decisions by sharing his knowledge of how threats can manifest themselves and impact investment plans.

Resourcefulness, awareness and recognition of local motivations and abilities are skills Gavin has applied to many international appointments. He believes greater individual and project resilience can be built when executives learn how to interpret early information and build meaningful risk profiles.


Change management; Implemented network replacement investment in Latvia’s national carrier (1994/1997), completed organisational culture change resulting in profit and cash generation for this company emerging from a command economy. Employer of choice for graduates;

Establishing operations; Launched first GSM network in Afghanistan in seven weeks (1999/2002), profitable and cash positive in 3 months;

Change management; Implemented network upgrade for mobile/fixed/ISP networks in Kosovo’s national carrier (2003/2006). Restructured state-owned enterprise to results-based, customer-orientated organisation, with consequent lifting of morale. Incorporation completed on target;

Establishing operations; Set up finance function and corporate governance structure for privatised national mobile operator in Papua New Guinea (2009/2012). Prepared all documentation, including business model, to successfully raise $100m from Asian Development Bank;

Change management; Planned, implemented and completed change management programme in Malawi (2012/2014). Implementation and completion in 4 weeks, resulting in 40% reduction in headcount, return to profit and cash generation for first time in 12 years;

Other: Gavin is a British national and a member of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants.



Navigate the challenges of business leadership in difficult environments with our transformative webinar series.

Explore strategies and learn from seasoned experts who have thrived in adversity. Discover innovative approaches to meet unexpected challenges, overcome obstacles and seize opportunities in tough markets.

Join us for insightful discussions and practical insights into management in challenging times and places that can help you to empower your staff and improve business performance.

Register now for our Business Leadership in Challenging Environments webinars and unlock your resilience for success.

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Thursday March 29nd

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Past webinars:

Would you be able to define your

In the complex landscape of entrepreneurship, having a clear and well-defined business identity is fundamental.

It's not just about what you do but how you do it, who you serve, and what sets you apart from the competition.

This process of defining your business goes beyond a mere mission statement; it's about crafting a narrative that resonates with your audience and shapes the direction of your enterprise.

Selecting the Right People

To ensure the success of a project, selecting the right candidates to work on it is vital.

Selecting individuals with the necessary skills, experience, and expertise can be time-consuming and challenging.

However, carefully evaluating potential team members will pay off in the long run by increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Management Challenges

In today's digitalized world, businesses are facing unprecedented challenges as they have to adapt to rapidly evolving technologies and shifting consumer expectations.

In the next webinar, we discuss some of the TOPICS from ‘Your phone, my life’ with a focus on management challenges in the digitalized world.

We will especially focus on Business processes and people, Automation to prevent fraud, Operational and financial audit, and where and when Management’s judgement is needed to balance all interests and take the best decisions .

Managing Pressure

How do you ensure that you withstand relentless pressure in volatile political environments?

In today's interconnected global landscape, businesses operating in politically volatile areas must be prepared for unexpected disruptions and navigate complex socio-political environments.

Thinking in solutions

In today's rapidly evolving global landscape, different industries and countries face a myriad of complex challenges. Economic down turns, technological failures, natural disasters, disruption following war and civil unrest often seem insurmountable.

By understanding that challenges are not roadblocks, but rather opportunities for growth and development, individuals and organizations can transform obstacles into stepping stones towards success.

‘Your phone, my life’

‘Or, how did that phone land in your hand?’

‘Your phone, my life. Or, how did that phone land in your hand?’ is the adventurous story of how the world built and expanded its mobile networks over the past thirty years.

The author’s journey started in the USSR, Ukraine, where she, as part of a team, negotiated with the Minister of Telecommunications of a country with virtually no telecom infrastructure.

From Kiev, her work took her first to other countries in the former Eastern Block and then to Western Europe, Kosovo, Lebanon, Azerbaijan and Haiti. As CEO, she was in charge of mobile network operations in all these countries, and managed them through periods of political unrest, war, bomb attacks and other serious obstacles.

She and her teams have received many awards, ranging from prizes for the best CSR, best branding, and best technology programmes, to recognition from the UN for the work she and her team did for the UN investigation into the assassination of former Lebanese PM Rafiq Hariri. She also received a personal award as Best International Manager whilst working in Azerbaijan.

Looking back, she says, ‘I’m happy our efforts made that people are able to stay in touch, no matter what.’




Ineke Botter linkein_icon

Ineke Botter was born in the Netherlands and studied corporate and international law at the University of Amsterdam. She started a career in finance in Amsterdam and London before switching to the mobile telecommunications industry in 1991.

There are currently just under 1,000 mobile networks globally and Ms. Botter was one of very few female CEOs in the mobile industry.


• ‘An interesting read and a must for those with a keen interest in the telecoms industry. Would definitely recommend this.’

• ‘Moreover, we get a glimpse of the cultural differences that impacted the various countries in which Ineke worked as well. I strongly recommend the book to everybody!’

• ‘At the time entertaining and eye-opening, it was wonderful to read about the journey of a strong woman in a traditionally male-dominated industry, staking her own claim.’

• ‘For anyone, especially a woman, contemplating working as an expatriate, this is a good, even maybe, essential read.’



MobileUk Ineke Botter, former CEO mobile networks, partner Wyze2, author ‘Your phone, my life’

“Whilst working in emerging markets for most of my adult life, I can truly say that mobile networks have been the biggest game changer from the moment they were built in these countries. With 5G gathering steam, globally, this super-fast high-capacity technology will allow any service, like mobile money, health care, education, to be accessed by billions of people instantly, especially in urban areas. This will help to mend the digital gap more and more. “On top, the trend that operators will increasingly start offering tailor-made solutions also in emerging markets will help factories, services industries, and other large facilities to quantum leap into the future, thereby creating an estimated additional 0.5% GDP growth annually.”

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Datacenterdynamics Ineke Botter and her journey to become a telecoms CEO

A background in finance led Ineke Botter into the world of telecoms. Her journey in the industry has taken her across the world to countries including Ukraine, Kosovo, Azerbaijan, Lebanon, and Haiti. She was CEO in all four of these countries. During her well-traveled career, she’s had to deal with regulatory hurdles, cultural differences, and quite often, war.

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Institute of Internal Communications Leading in extreme circumstances

Ineke Botter is a rarity. In what was, and what continues to be, a male-dominated industry, she is one of the very few female leaders to have led the organisations that designed, built and launched the mobile networks we rely on today for always-on digital connectivity.

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Authority Magazine Five Things You Need To Be A Highly Effective Leader

Be aware that you can’t panic or lose the plot because that means that people get confused and that will cause real chaos. Try to be calm and composed. Hopefully you never have to work in serious civil unrest and war situations like I did in several countries.

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Capacity Media A day in the life of Ineke Botter

An industry veteran and one of the few female CEOs in telecoms, Ineke Botter has held integral roles in the build-out of Europe’s mobile ecosystem – a story which she tells in her new book, Your Phone, My Life.

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SER / Topvrouwen Mobiele telefonie-pionier Ineke Botter

De naam Ineke Botter is niet bij velen bekend, maar haar bijdrage aan de wereldwijde mobiele telefoonindustrie is significant. Als enige vrouw op managementniveau was ze actief sinds de vroege jaren '90 en speelde ze een cruciale rol in het mogelijk maken van mobiele telefonie over de hele wereld, zelfs onder uitdagende omstandigheden.

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BookTalks NL Ineke Botter als spreker

Ineke Botter and her teams have received many awards; from the best CSR, best branding, best technology programmes to recognitions from the UN for the work she and her team did for the UN investigation into the assassination of former Lebanese PM Rafiq Hariri.

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IITPSA South Africa Ethical leadership in action

Mobile industry veteran Ineke Botter shared how digitization of critical business processes assists in motivating ethical behaviour in companies. She also highlighted the strategic importance of building close relationships with the education in the search for scarce ICT skills.

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Authority Magazine 5 Keys to Effective Leadership in uncertain Times

Hide your concerns but don’t take unnecessary risks ‘just to be brave’. I feared sometimes that some of my field engineers in war situations took too much risk repairing damage when bombs were still falling around them, but I have to admit, they did brilliantly.

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The Industry Leaders Memoir of a CEO : ‘Your phone, my life’

As CEO, she successfully oversees mobile network operations in these diverse countries, navigating challenges like political turmoil, conflict, bomb attacks, and other formidable hurdles.

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MobileUK Live Better Connected :
Ineke Botter

Telecommunications leader and book author, Ineke Botter joins the Live Better Connected podcast to discuss her motivations for writing the novel 'Your Phone, My Life', her career in the telecommunications industry and offers some fascinating insights into experiences she encountered.

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DataCenterDynamics The great telecom tower sell-off

Telecommunications infrastructure is a busy sector, with more mergers and acquisitions than ever. At the same time, mobile operators are selling off assets, and investment firms are keen to invest heavily in those assets.

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Newsletter 1 Why are you recruiting?

You could be recruiting for a number of reasons: because you are in start-up phase: you are expanding: you are introducing new products or services: you are meeting legal obligation...

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Newsletter 2 Topic: Mission Creep

This topic could be classified under a number of headings, but is included here because ‘Mission Creep’ often originates in the procurement cycle. We initiate procurement to obtain a defined quantity of goods and/or quality of services.

Newsletter 3 Stakeholder management - 'Identifying and managing them'

We can imagine that ING Bank, one of the largest banks in Europe, was far from pleased last week. An famous environmental NGO (Friends of the Earth NL) informed the bank on TV that it is taking them to court stating...

Newsletter 4 Procurement:- What are you trying to achieve?

We return to the UK Post Office for our first look at procurement. The horizon software contract that the Post Office concluded at the time, has been beset by problems, which lead one to ask the question...

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Newsletter 5 Stakeholders Management :- Maintaining perspective on the stakeholder map

Have you ever experienced that someone - out of nowhere - just popped up and lodged complaints, or worse a court cases against you...

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How can we help?

Ineke Botter: +316 1424 3565

Gavin Jeffery: +44 7703 217998